5 Keys to Improving Your Workout Hot Yoga

Working out is hard, especially if you’re new to it but science tells us people who exercise regularly, have a strong community, and eat nutritiously are: 1) healthier, 2) happier, 3) perform better mentally. So wherever you are in your journey, know the rewards are there. Take care of yourself because you are worth it. Take care of yourself so you have quality time to spend with your loved ones.

  1. Find something that inspires! Why are you wanting to be better? Is it to see your granddaughter grow up? To be able to play with your grandchildren? To be able to scale El Capitan one day? Whatever it is keep that in your heart and visualize it. How does it taste, feel, smell, sound like? Spend time with what inspires you so when the going gets tough you remember I’m doing this so that I may [fill-in-the-blank].
  2. Master correct alignment, visual focus, and breath. Feel that your body is doing it correctly, if something doesn’t feel right back off it. Often in the drive to lose weight or push hard, injuries occur.
  3. Take care of yourself throughout the day to prepare for your workout. For me it means: drinking lots of water, sleeping at a decent hour, stretching throughout the day, and eating well. No one is perfect but try your best.
  4. Be consistent. Showing up is 70% of the battle. Arrive and try your very best with what you have that day. Everyday is different and showing up offers you an opportunity to check in with your body, so you can adjust your lifestyle and time accordingly.

    As becoming stronger and healthier moves up the list of priorities, other priorities will move down the list. For example: I want to binge watch Netflix but that will take away from my sleep. You will have to examine what is more important your motivation from 1 or binge watching Netflix? A happy medium may be watching Netflix for an hour as you stretch or fold laundry.
  5. Find good teachers! Instructors have invested their personal time and energy to become teachers. Embrace their corrections, ask questions if you’re having trouble, and change up your teachers. At my yoga studio, each teacher has a unique style. Books and videos can also help too if you’re not able to take physical class with someone you admire.

What has helped you improve your workouts? I would love to hear your thoughts.

As always…

With love and gratitude,