Sample Routine for Toddler, a high school senior, and sophomore.

Kids thrive in routine. It helps regulate their nap cycle and helps them feel more secure. When I quit my job to stay at home with my daughter full time, I didn’t know how to create a routine. Every family is different but this is what worked for me, my 2 year old, and two high schoolers)

  1. Wake up, stretch, put on some morning music, and try to plan out the day
  2. Do any chores that need to be done, moving as quickly as possible
  3. Go to Yoga (find an exercise routine that you love. Even walking briskly in your neighborhood is a great).
  4. Come home, change really quick, and take the girls to school.
  5. Come home, do any other chores that need to get done as quickly as possible. Leave the house by 9:15 AM
  6. Go to an enrichment activity: Story time at the Library, Music Class at Church, the Children’s Museum, or Fairytale town until 11:00-11:30. Feed her lunch.
  7. Pick up Zoe from high school (she’s a senior so half day). Eek is usually napping in the car by this time.
  8. Put her down for a nap. If I’m super tired, I’ll take a power nap but usually this is Zoe’s individual time where I can visit with her or help her in whatever she needs.
  9. When Erin wakes up, feed her and pick up Vicky from school at 3PM.
  10. Run any errand that need to get done, such as grocery shopping with the girls.
  11. Cook dinner if necessary or get ready to go out for dinner with Christian’s family. The girls stopped eating after 5PM and Christian often doesn’t eat dinner, so to save time and money I’ll have dinner over at my parents.
  12. 8:30PM is usually when we start getting Erin ready for bed and she’s sleeping by 10PM