Finding Your Mom Tribe

Being a mother to young children often feels overwhelming and isolating. My oldest is now turning 5 and it has taken me this long to find my tribe of mothers who love and support one another.

It got me to thinking, how did I get here? The simple answer is- it’s a miracle! It really is! Answers to prayers. It’s the showing up to parties, inviting people to play dates, and just talking to people randomly. It’s really like dating but for moms and families. Not everyone you meet you’ll like and some people you like after hanging out with them you realize, they are just not your people.

My 10 tips for making mommy friends:

  1. Join a community or religious group that let’s you bring your kids. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For sure I am a work in progress and am far from the most perfect member BUT being involved in a religious organization that emphasizes family really helps me aspire to be a more nurturing & loving mother. Meet the missionaries and feed them, they love talking about Jesus and how the Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families.
  2. Talk to random moms at the park. Most of the time I don’t take their phone numbers unless I feel really compelled to because I don’t want to be the creepy mom who asks for everyone’s numbers. The best park of talking to other moms are they can give you ideas of where to go or things to do that their own kids seemed to enjoy.
  3. Be chill and don’t tell other moms how to raise their kids. Sure you can share experiences but it’s such a drag when you’re a mom to young children and someone shares their negative judgement. It’s demoralizing, right? Sure it can be or you can fight back and say “NO, I choose to not absorb you negative vibes and pray that you progress spiritually- masshole /dumb kitch… ”
  4. Set up fun play dates and invite lots of families. We all have small children so it’s less pressure to invite lots of families because even if they don’t come, it’s ok. Nap times are never perfect, health is always in question, and things come up — that’s part of the game.
  5. Choose to serve: whether it is physical with food or lending a hand, emotional by sharing positive affirmation and thoughts, or spiritual by praying for their well-being. Friend lift friends. When you lead with love, friends can feel that.

    May we all lead with love and be a support for those around us.