Laundry is the reason I Became so Depressed

Every mother has highs and lows. For me, doing laundry overwhelmed me and put me in a state of deep depression. I’m not over-exaggerating. I could handle one basket but after a weekend full of adventures, 3-5 baskets of clean clothes that needed to be folded became the norm.

I would have these deep dark thoughts of leaving my family, hating my life, and just an incredible sense of despair. A messy closet gives me anxiety so how can I reconcile the two? I googled laundry and depression and this is what I got. To read the full article click here.

  1. Refresh clothes with fabric freshener such as Febreeze to rewear clothes that have no visible stains.
  2. Set a Timer and work on the pile throughout the day to some enjoyable music
  3. Create a System and have the right tools. For clothes have bins for delicates, whites, darks, and refresh to re-wear so clothes are always organized. Keep spray and wash next to dirty laundry basket as well as in laundry room to spray as soon as possible to prevent stain from setting in.
  4. Delegate and ask for help. For me this feels nearly impossible because my husband works so much but I told him about SudShare which is an app that let’s you put clothes outside and someone will pick it up, launder it and return it the next day folded for $1 a pound of clothes. I haven’t tried it yet but the next time I have a baby or am extra busy I sure will.
  5. Sometimes you just have to power though it or donate all the clothes you don’t feel like folding. Sometimes less really is more.