Celebrity Quotes:
Long-Lasting Marriage

Everyone has it.

Getting through the rough patches in a marriage is difficult- just look at the divorce rate.

These are some of the inspirational quotes that have helped me to bounce back and appreciate my husband and marriage more fully. Hope it helps you too.

“If I’m going to show up equal in this partnership, I have to make myself happy and so I had to stop focusing on what he wasn’t doing and start thinking about how to carve out that life that I wanted for myself, with or without Barack. The more I succeeded in defining myself for myself, the better I was in a partnership.” -Michelle Obama (married 30 plus years)

“Being mature enough at a certain point to say to yourself, How would that other person feel? Marriage changes the dynamic of how we perceive ourselves, because we have to start thinking of someone else. The selfishness of who you are has to be subjugated.” -Samuel L. Jackson (married 40 plus years)

“It’s the belief through the easy times, through the tough times, whatever we encounter, that we are meant to be together. We know that we will overcome all because we believe in that, the foundation of that.” -Ralph Macchio from the Karate Kid (married 35 plus years)

“There’s no tactic other than communication is really important. You have to learn to communicate and have difficult conversations in constructive ways.”  -Ron Howard (married 46 plus years)

“We’ve been asking ourselves [what’s the secret to marriage] and really at the end of the day it’s just not quitting,” -Jada Pinkett Smith

One of the biggest takeaways while doing research for this article was- it’s the showing appreciation for your partner everyday, it’s the doing fun things as a couple, and feeling safe. Marriages don’t become rocky overnight. Marriage is like a garden, it needs tending to regularly. May the powers that be bless your marriage and home life.